Monday, September 19, 2011

So Much Potential

And now, a message from the drama llama:

"Dear Kimberly, I know you've mentally mapped out the stories from last week's substituting adventures, and I'mma let you get there, I'mma let you finish, but first I have to introduce something to you. It is called 'The Potential Job Situation.' And it goes a little something like this."

I've been substituting for a wonderful school system in a little town so cute it might as well be Star's Hollow (hometown of the Gilmore Girls). There's a long-term sub opening for next semester, and for a while I thought I was pretty much a lock for the job.

Then I found out there's another substitute, at the same school, who wants the same job, and who has already done the same job, for that school, last year.

When the air is let out of your balloon, it sounds something like this: Pffffftttttttbbbbbthhhhhh

I'm also hoping to be involved in a local tutoring, um, thing, that starts in October. Provided they get all the students they need. Provided I can work around subbing. But at any rate, it's still more money.

I got a call today from a county to which I applied for a job (like, a job-job) this year, asking if I would be interested in a longterm substitute position at their middle school.

And the heavens opened up and the angels sang....Death metal.

Wait. Angels don't sing death metal. Why are the angels singing death meta?

Because, as I listened on I learned that this long term job overlaps the other one. The one I might not get, but want very very badly. Whyyy??

You might be sitting there reading this (And I guess if you're reading this you are, in fact reading this...), thinking I would be stupid not to pounce on anything that opens up. But if it were an easy decision, I would have made it already. So let's just give me the benefit of the doubt and assume there must be some reason not to take it.

I love the school where I'm currently subbing. If I could get this long term job here, it could really really help in getting a full-time job, should such an opportunity come along. But if I leave and let someone else have the long term, then I feel as if I'd be taken out of the running altogether. Maybe not, but it will at least hurt my chances that I wanted to leave. Further, there's the tutoring. Yeah, yeah, the tutoring that hasn't started yet. But if it does happen, they want to make me lead tutor for my county. Kind of a big deal to have such a, if I may quote a card from the game Munchkin, Really Impressive Title. BUT, the commute between the school that called today and the tutoring place is.... quite possibly too long to make it in time. And it's just 2 months of work, granted it's two months of guaranteed work. But if something opens up here next year and I've left, it would only be logical to turn to the person who was put in the classroom to fill in, and that wouldn't be me.

So, is it worth staying for two potential jobs that might be building blocks to amount to awesome wonderful jobs? Or is this a "take what you can get" kinda thing? And why do I feel I've posted this very same angst before? And where are my shoes?

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