So I just watched about an hour of youtube videos after telling myself "I'll just watch two or three" and I realized that maybe nobody reads blogs anymore. Maybe we want to have everything just said to us and maybe it's more interesting when we don't have to read. Yeah? Well TOO BAD!
Okay. I guess I will quickly provide an update for those of you who somehow know enough about me to read this but do not know enough about me to read my facebook updates. So that's pretty much nobody, but whatever.
Important things are happening! Well... At least they will be soon. I've started wedding planning, which isn't as hard as people make it seem on TV, but DOES take a lot of time and there are a lot of decisions I still need to make. Decisions like: Officiant, music for the aisle-walking-down-part, bridesmaid dresses, wedding dresses, tuxedos.... And yeah. But I have something like 10 months left to figure it all out, so I'm not panicking. Anyway, right at the beginning of the wedding planning, we nailed down our venue and realized there was no freaking way we were ever going to afford it. Ever. But we really wanted it. So, the fiancee and I packed all of our things and put most of them in storage and took the really important things (like most of my clothes and Skylanders and all of his computers...) with us to his parents house. They have so graciously permitted us to live with them AGAIN, because we are in fact only pseudo adults. I am so, so, so thankful that they have let us move ourselves and our crazy cat friend into the room at the end of the hallway again, and they are awesome for that. Ferris is adapting much better this time, if you're curious.
So you would think that, with the summer off and with my wedding 10 months away that all I have to do is sit around in my pajamas and watch TV and wait for the future-hubby to come home, right? NOPE! I have SO much to do, more maybe than I do when I'm working. And so, I present to you... The list... of things I should be doing right now:
1. I should go outside, go through all the crap in my car, locate my tax forms, and fill out the student loans sheet thingy. And I need to find that sheet thingy, so I can be out of forbearance and start paying them back. But uggghhhh just thinking about all the steps involved in that...
2. There is an exercise bike downstairs, and I am getting married in 10 months. So... I should go ride it and stuff.
3. I should eat breakfast I guess?
4. Maybe I should get dressed...
5. I need to work on my novel while I have all this time because when school starts I will say I will write in November but I really won't and I'll be so busy and this is the best time to do it but... blerg.
6. I should maybe scoop the cat box, so another week doesn't go by like last time.
7. I should read something.
8. I need to catch up on Pretty Little Liars because I'm secretly still a teenager or something.
9. I need to organize the storage areas inside and outside of the room I'm in. Anywhere that my stuff is, and that is a lot of places, needs to be organized.
10. I need to make a bills chart so we don't forget to pay for important things like storage and all our stuff doesn't get auctioned off to people.
11. I should look for missing things, like my laptop and tablet charger.
12. Make a guest list for the wedding.
13. Discuss who we want to officiate the wedding with the fiancee (but he's not here, so I get a pass on that right now, right?)
14. Email the people from My Cat From Hell about putting Ferris on the show because he's insane.
15. Email that lady from that place and start making connections.
I guess I will stop there. I have this problem with motivation where if I have too many things to do, I just get tired thinking about all of them and want to take a nap. Or watch TV or watch youtube. Anything that wastes time instead of spending it well. Okay, so. I am going to go outside in my pajamas and rifle through my car and maybe find that form thingy and take care of this loans business. That is currently the most important thing, and I will do that. I think.
Sorry this wasn't an interesting post. As real wedding planning starts to happen, I will post about that. There might even be pictures!
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